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Business Centre "ERZO"

Конкурсные работы
Business Centre "ERZO"
Gediminas Tunaitis Архитектор, Литва

Категория: Реализованный проект

Тип: Офис

Стиль: Современный стиль

Позиционирование: Бизнес

Площадь: 6000 м²

Местоположение: Казахстан, Nur-Sultan

Год: 2020

ERZO Business Centre is a 6-story, almost 6000 m. sq. construction intended as headquarters for the young company ERZO, which specialises in project interior and exterior design and construction.
The form of ERZO Business Centre is simple and clear. The smooth curve of the glass exterior, covered by decorative HPL screen, gives the building a lightness and protects it from intense sun and heat. The interior is connected through a bright atrium, both black and white marble are incorporated as well as more traditional wooden details, in a sense combining two cultural styles: Middle Eastern and Northern European. Additionally, the monumental and luxurious spaces are revitalized by the flowing wooden 'waves'.
The spaces of ERZO Business Centre are functional, aesthetic, and appealing to the necessities of a modern-day employee: the need for combining work with recreation. The office accommodates a sports centre, a café, and several relaxation zones. The varied colour palette marks the different corporate zones, giving the solid construction a modern playfulness.

Photo: Глеб Крамчанинов
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